Two ways to uninstall XAMPP completely on Mac
Do you really know how to uninstall an App from your Mac? If you want to uninstall XAMPP, do you only drag its icon to the trash and think it is all the process? You may not really know how to uninstall it from your Mac, or you wouldn’t search the Internet and now read…
How to remove CrashPlan on Mac effectively
CrashPlan is a tool bringing much convenience for user in backing up and storing personal, commercial data for individuals and enterprises. It offers backup function both online and offline thus becomes a quite welcomed application for Mac users. Yet troubles may annoy some of you when you try to remove CrashPlan from your Mac and…
How to Uninstall Growl on Your Mac – Growl Removal Instruction
Growl is a notification system and pop-up notification implementation for Mac OS X operating systems. Though it isn’t part of the OS, other applications can use Growl to display small notifications about events which may be important to the user. In fact, many third-party apps install Growl without asking user’s permission, and that may explain…
How to uninstall Microsoft Outlook on Mac
How do you uninstall an App? Do you usually drag the App you don’t need anymore to the Trash and then empty the trash? If you want to uninstall Microsoft Outlook completely, you should not do that again. This post will give you correct methods to uninstall Microsoft Outlook on Mac.
Recommended solution to remove Final Cut Pro from Mac
Final Cut Pro is a powerful non-linear video editor, which brings fun and convenience for people who are keen of video editing. However, will you confused about the removal of this application from your Mac? “why I can’t remove Final Cut Pro entirely?”, “why the App Store still reminds me of updating Final Cut Pro…
How to Efficiently Remove OnyX on Mac OS X
OnyX is a multifunctional tool for Mac OS X. It allows users to very the startup disk and the structure of its system files, to run miscellaneous tasks of system maintenance, to configure the hidden parameters of the Finder, Dock, Spotlight, and of some of Apple’s own applications, to remove caches, to delete a certain…
How to Uninstall Evernote from Mac OS X – Evernote Removal Instruction
As an application designed by Evernote Corporation for note taking, organizing, and archiving, Evernote allows users to create a “note” which can be a piece of formatted text, a full web page or web page excerpt, a photograph, a voice memo, or a handwritten “ink” note, etc. Besides, this app also supports a number of operating system platforms…
Mac Removal Guides – How to Completely Uninstall Transmission
“I am new to Macs and somehow accidentally downloaded Transmission. I don’t need this application, and I don’t want to figure out how to uninstall Transmission. Can anyone help?” Is this the same situation that happened on you? This application is an open source, volunteer-based project. It is designed for easy, powerful use and doesn’t…
How to Remove iWeb on Mac OS X – Uninstall Instruction
iWeb is an application that can instantly deploy dedicated servers across Internap’s global network of data centers with online sales and assistance, and host your servers on a highly resilient network that delivers uninterrupted availability month after month. Partnering with iWeb means qualified system administrators and a friendly help team available for you. So how…
How to Properly Uninstall VMware Fusion on Your Mac
VMware Fusion is a virtualization software hypervisor developed by VMware Inc. for computers running OS X with Intel processors. It allows Intel-based Macs to seamlessly run operating systems such as Microsoft Windows, Linux, NetWare, or Solaris on virtual machines. This app has rock-solid stability and unobtrusive design. It can be highly customizable by expert users,…